DIM DAWN Studios
You are awakened from a dream.
You don't where you are or who you are. But the only certain thing is;
You have to go forward.
On your journey to Akimon you will face many obstacles in many forms.
​But before you can beat the challenge ahead
You'll have to use your reflexes and determination in order to avoid death.
But none will be harder than the most fearsome of them all.
To Akimon is a game based upon one mechanic only.
You will have to rely on your reflexes in order to progress.
The game tries to maintain a minimalistic voxel-esque visual style
while also accompanying you with a soundtrack inspired by 8-bit and synthwave music.
As it gets harder and harder, as you feel the aches of every step taken
When will you stop?

TO AKIMON - Launch Trailer

or actually just me.
DIM DAWN studios were created by Eylül ADAK (me) very recently, and currently, I am the only one in it. Our current goal is to master the progress of game development and polish our tool skills. We are not yet close to what we want to become.
But to reach where we want, to become what we desire; We know we should have a vision. So we can go to Akimon. Our vision as a studio is trying to push the limits of gaming. But for us or me to achieve that vision we will need more time, finances and people.
TO AKIMON is my first attempt to start my career as an Indie developer. Trough the pre-production of the project I aimed to achieve only one thing with this game; Let me find and implement the simplest mechanic and the simplest visuals, and make a good game not out of its graphics or complexity, but its minimalist narrative and it's one main mechanic.
TO AKIMON is a game that tries to be a fun experience while also maintaining minimalism in mechanics.
In most art-forms entertainment has to come first. We can discuss for hours what Matrix really means and the thought-provoking philosophies in it. But that's not the reason why that movie is good.
That movie is good because its entertaining, it's good because it is before anything else, before any ideas; a good movie. Not because of its depth, but because of its quality in filmmaking. The depth, the ideas are just the paint. What really makes them all work is how they are put together. And that can only be achieved by good filmmaking.
Same goes with TO AKIMON. Every level in TO AKIMON is a symbolic representation of my process in becoming a game developer. The hardships, the failures and the truth that if I quit, I will never be able to come back. I thought all of this would be much easier. But it is not.The hard part was never the making the game itself, it was allways my own conflict with myself. Could I continue? How am I supposed to find the courage to wake up every day and work further.How am I supposed to go to Work? How am I supposed to go to Akimon? But I had to do it.
Once you go into that Cave that's me. and the light that the player shines was the only thing left inside me when I doubt my entire life. There was nothing else at that moment but only my dedication in finishing this project. Nothing stopped me. Because I wanted to do this. This is not just my passion. This is my life. This is who I am.
But that's not the part of TO AKIMON's identity. It was my AKIMON.and now it is up to players to decide what they think of the game.Hopefully, the players will find a similar dedication in themselves to beat the game. It is up to them to go to AKIMON.
I have finished my own AKIMON and whetever the sales or the reception of the game might be; I only want one thing. We only want one thing.
To give you a fun experience. To make a good game.
All of the assets in the game including the soundtrack and the models were created by myself.